EdTechRVA 2020
March 11, 2020 8:30 am
Event Details
The 2020 Ed Tech RVA Conference is SOLD OUT. Questions or Concerns can be addressed to : Gillian Lambert: gillian.lambert@powhatan.k12.va.us
The EdTech 2020 Conference, organized by the Greater Richmond Area Education Technology Consortium (GRAETC) in cooperation with VSTE will take place Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, at Virginia Commonwealth University. This conference continues the excellent tradition begun by GRAETC and WCVE Educational Services over 25 years ago. The conference this year is a one-day event focused on strategies for technology integration and personalized learning, ideal for classroom teachers, library media specialists, instructional technology resource teachers, and educational technology leaders.
Your registration includes your free membership to the GRAETC organization!
Conference Website: http://www.graetc.org/edtechrva-2020/
EdTechRVA 2020 is held in a public space, therefore we do not prohibit participants, exhibitors, sponsors, or news organizations from photographing conference activities. GRAETC, Longwood University, VCU, and VSTE reserve the right to use images taken at the Conference with your photograph and/or likeness on social media and/or in future marketing materials. We are NOT responsible for individual attendee’s use of your image or likeness.
Ticket Options
Upcoming Date(s) and Time(s)
EdTechRVA 2020
March 11, 2020
8:30 am - 3:15 pm